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Holding Hands

Hello Fellow Providers

Meet Bryn. 


Bryn is an adolescent eating disorder expert, a therapist for teens and

a passionate believer in the power of Parents and Caregivers to help their children, of any age, with mental health issues. 

How Bryn Miller Coaching Can Help Your Clients


When working with individuals with eating disorders, especially adolescents and young adults, having additional supports on the treatment team can be invaluable. In her experience with hundreds of adolescent eating disorder patients from Inpatient LOC to weekly OP sessions, from BED to AN-R to BN, Bryn has come to believe in the power Parents and Caregivers to help promote change and progress toward mental wellness.


Bryn strongly believes that when we help Parents, we help their children, regardless of age or mental health diagnosis. That being said, from a clinical perspective, it can be hard to hold both the individual work and the Parent Coaching, especially at an OP LOC. Perhaps the teen wants to ensure that you are "my therapist". Perhaps the family system is complicated there are concerns about dual relationships. Perhaps it just doesn't work for scheduling. Even when you wish the Parents had tools and skills, it can be hard to offer this yourself. 


Bryn Miller Coaching, and our suite of online offerings, can help support the Parents and Caregivers of your teen and young adult clients without you having to get into the tricky waters of managing Parent Coaching yourself. We look forward to connecting you to this valuable resource- for you and your clients. 



Bryn is always looking for opportunities to meet other providers passionate about this work.





Let's Connect. 

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